Leonard Administration Building
# 1 Tiger Alley
Leonard, TX 75452
Fax (903)587-2845

Brad Maxwell Superintendent  ext 401
Kadee Todd Business Manager  ext 404
Arianne Shivers Administration Secretary  ext 403
Bobby Hanson Facilities and Transportation Director  ext 407
Anthony Eilers Technology Director  ext 213
  • 300 E. Mulberry St.
    Leonard, TX 75452
    Mail: # 1 Tiger Alley
    Leonard, TX 75452
    Fax (903)587-2392
    Sarah Day 
    Principal ext 200
     Tracy Howell Secretary ext 201

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  • 501 E Hackberry St.
    Leonard, TX 75452
    Mail: # 1 Tiger Alley
    Leonard, TX 75452
    Fax (903)587-4414

     Sarah Day
    Principal ext 550
     Lori Connelly Secretary ext 551

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  • 500 E Hackberry St
    Leonard, TX 75452
    Mail: # 1 Tiger Alley
    Leonard, TX 75452
    Fax (903)587-2228

    William Onley Principal ext 500
    Terisa Rushing Secretary ext 501

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  • 1002 N Poplar St.
    Leonard, TX 75452
    Mail: # 1 Tiger Alley
    Leonard, TX 75452
    Fax (903)587-8011

    Brian Lewis Principal ext 600
    Brianne Nance Secretary ext 601

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