Welcome to the Leonard ISD Curriculum and Instruction page!
Curriculum Director- Lisa Jones
Our goal in Leonard ISD is to ensure our curriculum and instruction is student-centered, follows best practices, and is aligned to the the Texas state standards. Our teachers use the TEKS, curriculum maps, and the TEKS Resource System to design lessons that are engaging and informative. They meet in grade level and vertical teams to discuss data, collaborate, and discuss learning goals.
To access the state standards for the various courses, please click the links below.
Diagnostic Assessments are given at the beginning of the year to students in all grade levels in reading and math to determine strengths and areas of need. These assessments include: Texas Progress Monitoring for PreK, Texas Kinder Entry Assessment, TPRI, Lexia, and Star from Renaissance.
Progress Monitoring is done throughout the year using unit assessments, TPRI, Lexia, and informal teacher observations.
The STAAR test is given as a summative exam at the end of the year in grades 3- EOC.
Additional STAAR Resources:
How to Help My Child Prepare for STAAR: http://https//www.texasassessment.gov/staar-prepare
Learn About Your Child's Test Score on the STAAR Report Card: http://https//www.texasassessment.gov/staar-score
Support for Emergent Bilingual Students in Texas: http://https//www.txel.org/Parents-And-Families
Resources for Families:
Parent's Guide for PreK http://https//tea.texas.gov/academics/early-childhood-education/family-resources
Reading Partners: Resources for Families http://https//readingpartners.org/take-action/resources-for-families/
Reading Rockets: A Guide for Parents http://https//www.readingrockets.org/literacy-home/reading-101-guide-parents
Texas Project First: Math Resources http://https//texasprojectfirst.org/en/math-resources/